Saturday | 25 Sept 2021 | 18:30 – 20:05h | Get your tickets right here!
Sunday | 26 Sept 2021 | 19:15 – 21:45h | Get your tickets right here!
Location: Het Ketelhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands | Click HERE for more info
Film director: Akio Fujimoto | Year: 2020 | Runtime: 88 min | Genre: Drama | Subtitle(s): English | Language(s): Vietnamese, Japanese
NL | An, Nhu en Phuong, drie jonge Vietnamese vrouwen van begin twintig, werken als technische stagiaires in Japan. Ontevreden met hun situatie, overweldigd door werk, onderbetaald en niet in staat om de voorwaarden te bespreken met hun baas, die hun paspoorten in beslag nam bij hun aankomst in Japan, besluiten ze te ontsnappen en worden ze illegale bewoners van Japan.
ENG | An, Nhu, and Phuong, three young Vietnamese women in their early 20’s, work as technical trainees in Japan. Unsatisfied with their situation, overwhelmed with work, underpaid, and unable to discuss terms and conditions with their boss, who confiscated their passports upon their arrival in Japan, they decide to escape, becoming illegal residents in Japan.
- Introduction: 5 min | Before the films start
- Film screening: 88 min | Film: Along the Sea (2020)
- Q&A: To Be Announced
- Filmmaker: Akio Fujimoto
Contact film
- Website:
- Distribution information: Asian Shadows