14 Oct. 2022 | Zaal 1, Het Ketelhuis | Time: 20:30
Tickets are for the feature and short film programme.
Click on the button for the tickets.
Dutch premiere
Jasmijn Kooijman | Animation, drama | 15 min | Sweden | Swedish, Dari, English, French (English subtitles)
This stop-motion film features those caught in the bureaucratic claws of a migration agency, from worried asylum seekers and angry activists to obedient caseworkers.
Short films are shown alongside features that depict the same ”Space” and theme.
- Introduction: 5 min
- Short film screening: 15 min
- Film screening: Convenience Store (106 min)
- Panel discussion:
- “Not State Enemies: Refugees, Undocumented and Asylum Seekers”: Akke de Hoog (Vluchtelingen Werk Nederland) & Anne van Schaijk (ASKV Vluchtelingen Steunpunt)
- Moderator: Krishna Kaur
Contact film
Gambio Film
Contact person: Hawa Sanneh