15 Oct. 2022 | Zaal 1, Het Ketelhuis | Time: 14:15
Tickets are for the feature and short film programme.
Click on the button for the tickets.
Tomas Ponsteen | Documentary | 14 min | The Netherlands | English, Spanish (English subtitles)
Elkin is a sex worker who has left their family in Colombia to explore their gender identity in Europe, where they live a nomadic life. Below the Surface chronicles both their physical journey and their mental quest to find out who they really are.
Short films are shown alongside features that depict the same ”Space” and theme.
- Introduction: 5 min
- Short film screening: 14 min
- Film screening: Queer My Friends (82 min)
- Panel discussion: “Queerness: the Role of Religion and Allies”: Claire Zhou (filmmaker) & Chris Sta Brigida Kopp (Filipino LGBT Europe Foundation)
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