15/10/2022 | Zaal 1, Het Ketelhuis | Time: 19:45
Ticket price: € 11,50 // Cineville pass (Free) / Stadspas (€ 1,-) / Student/CJP (€ 9,-)
Click on the button for the tickets.
Original title: Rolê – Histórias dos Rolezinhos
Vladimir Seixas | Documentary | 82 min | Brazil | Portuguese (English subtitles)
Rolê – Stories of Brazilian Protests in Malls is a thrilling and beautiful portrayal of the ways marginalised people in society can take action against racial discrimination and social exclusion. ‘Rolê’ is a term that refers to a unique form of protesting against violence used by security guards and shopping mall employees in Brazil against vulnerable groups. In recent years, the movement has mobilised thousands of people. These protests laid bare the barriers disempowered groups deal with.
Rolê depicts the lives and memories of three BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) individuals who went through traumatic situations that eventually led them to participate in the Rolê protests. The documentary doesn’t solely focus on trauma; it also allows us to discover the dreams, beauty, poetry, art, and politics of a generation that has found new ways of dealing with injustice and violence. Awarded at the Do Rio Festival and the Rhode Island Film Festival, the film promotes an exhilarating debate across Brazil and conveys how everyone’s dignity and lives matter.
HoFF x Dark Matter
- Introduction: 5 min
- Short film screening: It’s Nice in Here (16 min)
- Film screening: 82 min
- Panel discussion: “Police Brutality & Algorithms of Oppression”
- Moderator: Isabel Sheridan
- Panellists: Robin (Student), Gwen van Eijk (Amnesty) & Francio Guadeloupe
- After-party at Het Ketelhuis.
Contact film
International Sales: Couro de Rato
+55 21 99304 2656