Masel Tov Cocktail (2020) by Arkadij Khaet, Mickey Paatzsch

24 September, 19:10 – 20:40h | Get your tickets right here!

Location: Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam, Netherlands | Click HERE for more info.

Film director: Arkadij Khaet | Year: 2020 | Runtime: 30 min |  Genre: Short fiction | Subtitle(s): English | Language(s): German, Russian



NL | DIMITRIJ Liebermann (18) is joods en sloeg Tobi in het gezicht. Nu moet hij zijn excuses aanbieden. Maar Dimitrij heeft niet bepaald medelijden. Terwijl hij op weg is om Tobi te ontmoeten, ontmoet hij een diverse vertegenwoordiging van de Duitse samenleving. Dimitrij wordt keer op keer geconfronteerd met één worsteling die hij moet overwinnen: zijn Duits-Joodse identiteit. Een analyse van de status quo.

ENG | DIMITRIJ Liebermann (18) is Jewish and punched Tobi in the face. Now he’s supposed to apologize to him. But Dimitrij doesn’t exactly feel sorry. While on his way to meet up with Tobi, he encounters a diverse representation of German society. Again and again, Dimitrij faces one struggle he needs to overcome: his German-Jewish identity. An analysis of the status quo.



Director’s biography: Arkadij Khaet

Arkadij Khaet was born during the final moments of the Soviet Union. A few weeks after his birth his family left the Republic of Moldova and immigrated to Germany. After graduating highschool he lived in Israel for a while, and then moved to Cologne to start his undergraduate studies in Film and Television. As a student he started to implement his own film projects. During studies he met his Co-director colleague Mickey Paatzsch with whom he started a collaboration on several projects. As of October 2016, Arkadij Khaet is studying Film Directing at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg and is currently living in Southern Germay.

Director’s biography: Mickey Paatzsch

After studying Fiction Direction at the Macromedia Colon Mickey Paatzsch gathers experience as a freelance filmmaker and directs his own shorts. Furthermore he studies philosophy at the University of Colon and completes his master’s degree in 2019. In his films he tries to portray misfits and their habitats in a fun and creative way. With his friend from university, Arkadij Khaet, he realizes movies in co-direction.