25 September, 20:45 – 22:15h | Get your tickets right here!
Location: Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam, Netherlands | Click HERE for more info
Film director: Eddie Shieh | Year: 2020 | Runtime: 5 min | Genre: Short fiction | Subtitle(s): English | Language(s): Mandarin Chinese
NL | Een pandemie daagt een Chinese studente uit, die er hard aan werkt om een legale immigratie status te krijgen en tegelijkertijd acclimatiseert in haar nieuwe Amerikaanse thuis.
ENG | A pandemic challenges a Chinese student on the path to legal immigration while sheltering in her new American home.
- Part of the #StopAsianHate programme.
- Website: https://filmmakeratnight.com/home-free
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/homefree.shortfilm
- Instagram: N/A
- Twitter: N/A
- Distribution information: N/A
Eddie Shieh (pronounced !She”+”yeah”) is a Twin Dad by day and Filmmaker at Night as
writer, director and producer. His short works have garnered numerous awards and nomi-
nations in multiple categories from Academy® Qualifying and international festivals. In a
previous life he was an advertising agency creative director for worldwide brands. On occa-
sion, Eddie also predicts weather with his surgically repaired joints (no app yet).